CPP Leadership Team

CPP Leadership Team
(Back Row; left to right)Larry Mose, Jared Pavlu, Josh Credeur, Pastor Pavlu, Clint Credeur, Jonathan Lewis, Rick Hardwick, Myron Erwin, (Front row; left to right) Leroy Spence, Jim Schmitt, Johnny Gibbs, Sandra LaFluer, Jonathan Walton

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Take care of my Treasures" - Words of Motivation from Terry Shock

The #1 leadership question that I’ve come across is this;
Am I worth following?
Many leaders work in the church as volunteers or otherwise and they get so hung up on who is following them and they never seem to be able to stop and ask themselves the question, am I even worth following? When we put our attention and focus on leading ourselves, since that is the hardest person to lead that I find is myself, people follow.

I would like to leave you with 5 more questions that will help you assess your ability to lead effectively:
1.) Is my vision clear? There is absolutely no way that we can lead people into the future if our future picture is fuzzy. Not matter what ministry in the church we are leading we have to ask ourselves the question is my vision clear.

2.) Is my passion hot? I have said to leaders in our church on many occasions that I would much rather have to pull people back a bit than to have to kick them in the rear to get them moving. I must ask myself, am I halfway pouring myself into this our am I really pouring myself into it? Impassioned people really move people and it is really important if we are going to move anything.

3.) Is my character submitted to Christ? One leader said this, “a leader doesn’t have to be the sharpest pencil in the drawer or possess the most charisma but his teammates will not follow a leader with character flaws for very long.” The fact of the matter is that every time we compromise our character we compromise our leadership.

4.) Is my pride subdued? 1 Peter 5:5 …for God resisteth the proud. When you are leading people there is going to be from time to time people that oppose you and we all need the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job to deal with them. The fact of the matter is that if we have a pride issue then God resists us. There is absolutely nothing that you can do about that accept, fix the pride issue. One leader said it this way, “if your wondering if you have a pride issue, ask somebody that will tell you the truth. Then he followed that up by saying, “If your thinking there is no way that I could ask anyone that question, I can save you the time; you have a pride issue.”

5.) Is my heart for God increasing and is my capacity for loving deepening? The longer we are in ministry the more we have to monitor this question in our life. We can definitely get so busy doing the work of God that we can get away from God. We can get so frustrated with dealing with people. The longer we are in ministry the bigger our hearts should become. I find that from time to time I have to do a real heart check and sometimes I discover, Wow, my heart is shrinking and if it is shrinking that means it is getting hard.

One leader said this, “God is saying to leaders of the Church,
"Promise me, give me your word.
Take care of my treasures.
Grow in leadership so that you can become
the greatest you can be at taking care
of my treasures.
Love them,
Nurture them,
Develop them,
Challenge them,
Mature them.
They are all that really matters to me in this world."

We all need to realize what a privilege it is and just how big of an opportunity we have been given by God to be able to work in the souls of men and women.

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