CPP Leadership Team

CPP Leadership Team
(Back Row; left to right)Larry Mose, Jared Pavlu, Josh Credeur, Pastor Pavlu, Clint Credeur, Jonathan Lewis, Rick Hardwick, Myron Erwin, (Front row; left to right) Leroy Spence, Jim Schmitt, Johnny Gibbs, Sandra LaFluer, Jonathan Walton

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Prayer over CPP Leadership by Terry Shock

Lord you know all things and you do all things well. You have put together the leaders of this church, you picked them. You have put them in place. I pray that there vision will be clear, that there passion will be hot. I pray that if there are any character issues on the leadership team that your Spirit would convict and also that wisdom will be given to be able to fix whatever is needed. I pray against any pride issue that would be on the team and I pray that our hearts would continue to increase. I pray that as we lead the people that our love and our heart for them will just grow and that the power of your spirit will lead us and guide us. Let us reach every honest hearted person in this community. In Jesus name let it be done.

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