CPP Leadership Team

CPP Leadership Team
(Back Row; left to right)Larry Mose, Jared Pavlu, Josh Credeur, Pastor Pavlu, Clint Credeur, Jonathan Lewis, Rick Hardwick, Myron Erwin, (Front row; left to right) Leroy Spence, Jim Schmitt, Johnny Gibbs, Sandra LaFluer, Jonathan Walton

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

May 27th CPP Motivator - Terry Shock

Terry Shock who previously served as The Pentecostals of Alexandria's Youth Pastor and then as Assistant Pastor, was elected Associate Pastor in 2001, and along with the Manguns and the rest of the pastoral team, continue to lead the congregation in the same purpose; the same love for souls; the same commitment to prayer, fasting, Bible reading, and evangelism; and with the same anointing that have been a part of the church since its beginning. With plans on the drawing board for expanding facilities and new programs, and with weekly attendance moving toward the 3000 mark, The POA continues to carry out its mission to provide connection for all people to Jesus Christ through worship, evangelism, discipleship, and fellowship.

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