CPP Leadership Team

CPP Leadership Team
(Back Row; left to right)Larry Mose, Jared Pavlu, Josh Credeur, Pastor Pavlu, Clint Credeur, Jonathan Lewis, Rick Hardwick, Myron Erwin, (Front row; left to right) Leroy Spence, Jim Schmitt, Johnny Gibbs, Sandra LaFluer, Jonathan Walton

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Prayer over CPP Leaders by Jeremy Foster

"Do not be afraid! For the battle is not yours, but God's" (2 Chron. 20:15).

Thank you God for Pastor Pavlu and this awesome church staff. Thank you lord for allowing us to be laborers together in your vineyard. Help us to understand and accept that this is not my ministry, it is yours, we must depend on your Spirit to show us what to do. The people that we lead are not our people. You sent them to us and we've helped organize their efforts, but they do not belong to us. You entrusted them to our leadership, and they agreed to follow us. These people that follow us deserve a tour guide not a travel agent. Help us not to just tell them where you want them to go but help us to lead them there.

Help us to take them into a depth of prayer, fasting, devotion, and complete consecration. God help these leaders to be saturated with the Holy Ghost and completely filled with Your Spirit, so that they may stir up the gift that is within them and be used to their fullest potential. Jesus help us to lead as we are lead by your almighty hand.
In Jesus name.

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