CPP Leadership Team

CPP Leadership Team
(Back Row; left to right)Larry Mose, Jared Pavlu, Josh Credeur, Pastor Pavlu, Clint Credeur, Jonathan Lewis, Rick Hardwick, Myron Erwin, (Front row; left to right) Leroy Spence, Jim Schmitt, Johnny Gibbs, Sandra LaFluer, Jonathan Walton

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 26th CPP Motivator - Randy Harper

Randy O. HarperDistrict Secretary

Randy O. Harper was elected in April 2005 as the Louisiana District Secretary for the United Pentecostal Church, International. He served as an assistant pastor for seven years before beginning 30 years as pastor of 3 Louisiana churches. In addition to serving in various ministerial capacities throughout his life, Reverend Harper holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. He has held numerous accounting positions with his most recent position as Sales Tax Auditor.

He and his wife, Martha, have one daughter – Heather. They reside in Tioga, Louisiana.

Prayer over CPP Leaders by Jeremy Foster

"Do not be afraid! For the battle is not yours, but God's" (2 Chron. 20:15).

Thank you God for Pastor Pavlu and this awesome church staff. Thank you lord for allowing us to be laborers together in your vineyard. Help us to understand and accept that this is not my ministry, it is yours, we must depend on your Spirit to show us what to do. The people that we lead are not our people. You sent them to us and we've helped organize their efforts, but they do not belong to us. You entrusted them to our leadership, and they agreed to follow us. These people that follow us deserve a tour guide not a travel agent. Help us not to just tell them where you want them to go but help us to lead them there.

Help us to take them into a depth of prayer, fasting, devotion, and complete consecration. God help these leaders to be saturated with the Holy Ghost and completely filled with Your Spirit, so that they may stir up the gift that is within them and be used to their fullest potential. Jesus help us to lead as we are lead by your almighty hand.
In Jesus name.

(Plan - Lead - Organize - Delagate) Motivation from Jeremy Foster

Lets begin with self evaluation; As a leader ask yourselves these questions:
  • What am I doing right?
  • What am I doing wrong?
  • What can I do better?

You are a ministry administrator. You are leading and administrating. You are very similar to Payton Manning the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts. He is in the field leading the offense down the Gridiron adjusting and adapting the plays from the lineup as the team encounters the challenges of the defense.

Let me share with you 4 tasks of administrative Leaders represented by the acronym


1. Planning and Goal achievement; A goal is no good without a plan. You Don't Fail, You only get results. 99% of our failure or success is based on how well we planned. Success is the result of proper planning and execution. Failure is a result also, of poor planning and poor execution.

Let me give you an example from my experience with political campaigns. A Politicians Goal is to win the election but in order to get that result, organizing volunteers is critical.

Some of us expect God to take up our slack in planning because of our passion for ministry. Not gonna happen. Too often we come to pastor with a goal and never set the plan in place. A goal needs a plan to make it work.

2. Leadership and Supervision of Staff: You want to know the number 1 reason why ministry staffs fail? Lack of Communication

As leaders we have Great Expectations; we expect consistency and passion for ministry. Volunteers or staff expect vision and communication. If you are not communicating with your core staff on a weekly basis shame on you.

Lets see if we can determine what kind of leader you are?

  • Dependence – only upon my authority. No one else can
  • Independence – you're only going to see me every now and then.
  • Interdependence – I need you and you need me, let's work together.

What kind of followers are you inspiring?

Leadership does not work unless felt needs of the group are being met. If your ministry is not healthy there are probably and unmet needs that you should address.

Confrontation is a good thing. Confront the problem or issue without being confrontational. That's called communication.

3. Organization and Quality Control; Here's what our leadership is saying to our followers when we refuse to get organized:

"Well, I'm not organized, I'm just lazy"

Funny how we can be organized in every other area Life: lunch, directions, outfits surely you can organize your ministry.

Who is in charge of quality control in your department – YOU ARE.If your ministry is not running at full potential who's fault is it?

Take ownership of your success and your failure and work to make it better.

Quality Control: People don't do what you expect they do what you inspect. Inspection is a form of communication.

4. Delegation and Motivation

Are you empowering people for ministry?

Lets talk about the Energizer bunny. He's ready to go all you need to do is empower him with a Duracell. He'll bang the drum for whoever empowers him.

In the book of acts, the local church model in the Apostolic Age always functioned under a plurality of leadership or a group of leaders.

Motivate them to succeed and give them the resources to win and let them own victories. Celebrate their triumphs. Nothing motivates a team more than a leader who isn't selfish about success.

In Conclusion:

1. Planning and Goal achievement

2. Leadership and Supervision of Staff

3. Organization and Quality Control

4. Delegation and Motivation

Finally, I close with this; YOUTUBE: The founders were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim – all of whom met via their employment at PayPal. As far as I know, none of them are over the age of 30. May 2005 – October 9 2006 $1.65billion

They were driven by their frustration. Frustration and ministry go hand in hand.

"Channel your frustration in the right direction

and it will blow your mind what God will do in your city."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 22nd CPP Motivator - Jeremy Foster

Jeremy Foster is an innovative speaker and trainer who is noted for his unique approach to communication. He is known for his vivid examples and humorous delivery style that appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds. His proven track record and refreshing style make him a sought after speaker across the country. He is passionate about progressive change and has a heartbeat to see people’s lives revolutionized for Christ.Jeremy has served as media relations consultant (press secretary) in numerous local, state, and federal political campaigns affording him the opportunity to work with the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and others. He frequently provides leadership, media and marketing
consultation to non-profit organizations and corporations. Jeremy is a dedicated husband to Jennifer Foster and the proud father of his daughters, Jayden and Jeselyn. His family is the number one priority in his life.